About CHRC

Caribbean Harm Reduction Coalition (CHRC)

The organisation of the Caribbean Harm Reduction Coalition is a major accomplishment of the NGO drug treatment and rehabilitation sector in 2000. The Coalition is loose grouping of individuals and NGOs that share a common view that interventions that reduce drug related harm are valuable activities irrespective if they lead to abstinence.

If you are interested in joining the Coalition please email chrc@candw.lc. With a unified voice we can be heard.


It should be noted that in its short existence the CHRC has accomplished the following:
1. The CHRC is a co-sponsor of the 4th National Harm Reduction Conference in the Seattle, WA, USA in 2002.
2.The co-ordinator of the CHRC participated in the research and writing of 2001 Drugs Demand Reduction Needs Assessment report for CARICOM ensuring that harm reduction and street based intervention were placed high on the policy agenda of the region’s drug policy advisors and policy makers.